Application Form for Online Admission 2024-2025

Personal Details

Candidate's Name * Father's Name * Mother's Name *

Guardian's Name * Date of Birth * Gender *
Check/ Tick this box if Guardian's Name and Father's Name are the same.
Check/ Tick this box if Guardian's Name and Mother's Name are the same.

Category * Person with Disability (40% and above) * Mobile No*

% Of Disability

Guardian's Phone * Email Id * Economically Weaker Section *
Check this box if Guardian's phone and your phone are the same.
Your HS or (10+2) Stream Board Name of HS/ 10+2 level 10+2 Roll Number
No Space, or any special character

Passing Year of 10+2

If you have failed either in Theory or in Practical/ Project, you are not entitled to take up that subject in Graduation Level *
Subjects Theory Project/ Practical % of Marks Status
Full Marks Pass Marks Marks Obtained Full Marks Pass Marks Marks Obtained
Best 4 Total Best 4 %

Select Your Course

Select the Streams, Types. The Honours/ Major will pop up. Once you select the same, It will display the associated subjects in a popup. Select the right one from the panel, it will show you the merit score/ eligibility.

If you have entered any erroneous data, you can go back and make fresh application. All the information that you have entered are assumed to be correct. You shall be held responsible for inaccuracy and your application will be rejected if any information is subsequently found to be false.

Application Phase Closed